domingo, 24 de agosto de 2008

Es que volvio bush al alcoholismo! En manos de quienes estan nuestras vidas! PARALOS YA! TECLEA! El Teclado es nuestra defensa!

Mi comentario

Se inmaginas todas esas personas que idolantran a los EEUU. Pero es que acaso no miran en manos de quienes estamos poniendo nuestras vidas y las de nuestrso seres queridos. Yo diria que basta ya de ser estupidos y despertemos a la realidad en que vivimos. Somos guiados espiritualemente por pedofilos pederastas y economicamente por borrachos y seres amorales que no les importa matar a seres indefensos con tal de establecer su agenda.

Fuente de la Noticia en Español
20 de agosto 2008. - Entre el 9 y el 11 de agosto, durante su estancia en Beijing, el presidente de los Estados Unidos, George W. Bush, acudió al Centro Acuático Nacional de China, mejor conocido como "Cubo de Agua", así como a otros gimnasios y centros olímpicos, en algunos de los cuales manifestó un comportamiento un tanto... eh... peculiar. Las siguientes son fotos de agencias, publicadas en diferentes sitios en Internet que se burlaban del comportamiento del... ¿máximo líder mundial?

En fin. Sólo imagine qué hubiera pasado si Hugo Chávez, Evo Morales o Rafael Correa hubieran sido los protagonistas de estas actuaciones.

Fuente de la noticia en Ingles: Bush Looking Drunk At The Olympics

Ap0808100390No one's saying teetotaling President Bush would actually try and sneak some shots of alcohol while enjoying himself at the Beijing Olympics as his apocalyptically bad presidency recedes into history. That's the sort of thing you'd read in, say, the National Enquirer, which as everyone knows is full of trashy tabloid lies. Besides, the president doesn't have to consume actual alcohol to act like a bumbling fraternity president. Still, it's worth noting that Bush has been doing a funny/terrifying impersonation of a drunk president for all the press photographers at the Olympics. He's even got the red face thing down! After the jump, enjoy a photo gallery of the president looking his most wasted, from that beach volleyball embarrassment to daughter Barbara looking embarrassed next to Bush at a swimming match, plus some of the other ones Wonkette found on Four Winds 10 last night and some other ones thrown in for fun.

The AP caption reads, "U.S. President George W. Bush stumbles as he and his wife Laura, front, arrive to watch the swimming competitions." So it's not that he's having trouble standing, as some have suggested. It's sitting that's the problem. Totally different.

"This is all you have to show for the past four years of your life?" Note the nose.

"Kidding, heh. Actually I'll take this now." Note the red face.


"Nice flip turn or whatever, dude."


"Seriously, Dad, maybe just..."


"OK, what the hell are you even..."

"Now you've gone and embarrassed yourself in front of both of Mitt's wives. Ugh."

Bush with Chinese president Hu Jintao, looking a bit ruddy....


...and a bit droopy-eyed.

To be fair, she asked him to back-spank her.

5  Us Olympics Bush

Looks like somebody fell!

(Photos: AP and Getty Images)

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