Mi comentario:
Ustedes creen que estos paises son tontos? Pues no; estan haciendo lo correcto, ya que el dollar esta bajando cada vez mas. Si tu pais no cambia su respaldo monetario a oro u otra moneda mas fuerte, tambien será llevado en el super tornado económico que se acerca sobre los EEUU.
Sigue la noticia en Ingles:
Numerous Countries Have Recently Dropped The Dollar as Their Reserve Currency
In the past couple of years, the following countries have stopped using the dollar as their reserve currency or have dropped their currency's peg against the dollar:
The following countries are rumored to be considering dropping the dollar as their reserve currency or terminating their currency's peg against the dollar:
- The arab Gulf States
- (and see this)
As Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, and the "Father of Reagonomics", recently said: "The dollar’s reserve currency role is drawing to an end".
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